New Home – Tasman

Client Testimonial

Our architects introduced us to M2 Build as one of the Registered Master Builders invited to tender for our build contract. M2 Build submitted the most comprehensive and competitive tender and so were our architect’s choice.

However, we knew there would be more than just price in selecting the right builder so we asked anyone and everyone we met who might realistically know about the builders on the short-list. When we heard the responses about M2 Build and Shane in particular – including words like quality, precision, professional, attention to detail, no nonsense – we knew we were making the right choice for us.

Living in Wellington at the time we needed a builder who was a good communicator, not just in giving updates but in explaining things to us and understanding our concerns. This was our first build in New Zealand and the whole process was a mystery to us – being English we’re much more used to bricks and mortar.

Shane proved to be an excellent choice for us and brought a new dimension to the build – weekly updates and photographs, status reports and timely requests for information and decisions from us and always willing to answer our questions. He quickly got to know us and made sensible recommendations, giving us great confidence in the decisions we were making at a distance. More importantly he wasn’t afraid to tell us when he thought we were making the wrong decision!

The outcome has surpassed our expectations. And yes, those words about attention to detail were entirely correct, from his team and from his contractors. We have a beautiful home and would not hesitate in recommending Shane and M2 Build to any-one seeking a quality build.

Tony and Christine
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